b'2023ABOUT ANGELS 2023 STATISTICS2023 STATISTICSABOUT ANGELS & FINANCIALSFounded in 1998, we celebrated our first successfulA total of 370 infants and toddlers were referred to placement in 1999. Angels by the County of San Diego.Our primary focus is on children ages birth to five, aAngels Resource Family homes welcomed 38 children crucial period for physical, emotional, and cognitivein placements.development. Our dedicated Resource Families provided care for 94 We are strong advocates for family reunification,infants and toddlers.emphasizing the vital role of Resource (Foster)Unfortunately, we had to turn away 277 children, Families as supportive partners to the parents andincluding 173 siblings who needed to stay together extended family of the children in our care. due to a shortage of available Resource Family homes.All our clinical staff are licensed Marriage and FamilyThe average length of stay for children in our care was Therapists (LMFT) or Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) or1 year and 4 months.have advanced degrees. Historically, for 97% of the young children under Ranked second only to the County of San Diego,our care, Angels serves as their final placement in we proudly stand as the second-largest provider offoster care before reuniting with their parent(s) or Resource Families in San Diego County. transitioning to their forever home.Our Resource Families bring a rich diversity of45% returned to their parent(s) or relative.backgrounds and life experiences, mirroring the35% found their forever homes through adoption.vibrant community we serve. 20% moved to another home to be withThrough surveys of our Resource Families,siblings already in care or for other reasons.weve discovered that an impressive 96% would recommend Angels to a colleague or friend, and an*As June 2023equally strong 97% plan to continue fostering with us. 1,842 children in foster care in San Diego County (newborn17 years of age)944(51%) children in foster care in San Diego County (ages newborn to five)*https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/cs/child_welfare_services/previous-cws-dashboards.htmlNET ASSETS REVENUE$2,926,439BeginningFoster Care Placement Otherof Year$2,000,556 $2,906$803,294ContributionsInterestsEnd of Year$494,931 $884$513,973 Special Events In Kind$415,336 $11,826EXPENSES$3,215,758Program Services$2,526,853Administrative $217,630Special Events $130,945Fundraising $340,3304'